Install pip and numpy on a Linux-based Analyze instance ####################################################### ## Note the instructions assume you have SSH access to the machine ## e.g. using the ec2-user on an AWS instance. ## Switch from the ec2-user to the lavastorm user: #sudo su - lavastorm ## Change to the Analyze install directory #cd /home/lavastorm/Analyze #### THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN EACH TIME YOU LOG INTO THE MACHINE #### ## Configure the profile for the session - sets up the required environment - e.g. paths, etc #source .profile.lavastorm ## Change to the directory where the shipped Python install is located #cd platform/linux-x86-64/python/bin/ ## Confirm the environment is picking up the correct Python instance #which python ## the output from the above should be: ~/Analyze/platform/linux-x86-64/python/bin/python ## And confirm the Python version is correct too #./python2.7 -V ## the output should be: Python 2.7.15 ## Check whether Pip is installed already #./python -m pip --version ## If it is not installed you should get an error: No module named pip ## If it is not installed, download the boostrap installer #sudo curl -O ## Now install pip if it wasn't installed #./python ## Check the system now reports it is correctly installed #./python -m pip --version ## It should be installed in the user's local site-packages directory: ## pip 19.3.1 from /home/lavastorm/Analyze/platform/linux-x86-64/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip (python 2.7) ## Install the numpy package for the user #./python -m pip install --user numpy